By: Jordan Wheeler
4.12 Leadership Training Program Coordinator
Research show that developing a biblical worldview impacts how individuals live. At some point, we need to stop and ask the question, “What are my personal convictions?”
I had the opportunity to ask and help answer this very question with high school junior and seniors in the 4.12 Program who attended the last Upper Level Assembly. This is a time of intentional equipping for juniors and seniors.
This is extremely important as students begin to transition into post high school life. As a group, we studied Romans 14 to understand how we can better understand, not only our personal convictions, but others’ convictions as well. This gave us the chance to think through different viewpoints that each student may have or see in those around them so that they can identify it in the future.
As we continued our discussions we thought through how each student may be able to see themselves as the “weaker brother”, so they can approach each situation and person with humility. This can often be difficult when others live and see the world differently that you! The students started to identify different convictions that they had, whether it was not going to high school parties, not engaging in certain types of entertainment, or even the friends that they may be around.
These are the future leaders that are taking the Scriptures and following what the Lord has for them. There has been a consistent decrease of Christians that say they have a biblical worldview. In contrast, I am extremely encouraged by this time and how the students engaged in the topic and how they can be discerning in their own personal convictions and their desire to develop their biblical worldview!
Please pray with me for these juniors and seniors as they start to take the next steps of transition to post-high school life.
Upcoming events and summer camp:
- Joy El Work Day – May 1 (8 am – 1 pm)
- Summer Day Camps
- Summer Wilderness Camps
- Summer Overnight Camps