Invest Yourself
More than 15 years ago, I became the Barnabas Mentor Coordinator. Having been equipped in mentoring and discipleship before coming to Joy El, I quickly developed a training for our Barnabas mentors. We have added many supplemental seminars through the years, but the foundational mentor training has remained basically the same.
A few years into leading the program, I decided to create a training workbook for those mentors who could not attend the onsite foundational training, which is held twice each fall. Approximately one-third of the new mentors use this written training format each year.
Many times since then, I have received requests for the training workbook from individuals, organizations and churches outside of Joy El. We at Joy El have always been happy to share it, but we clarified that the workbook was specifically geared toward our Barnabas program. The frequent response to that was, “You should publish this on a broader scale for a more general audience.”
My husband, Aaron, and I have prayerfully considered this off and on over the past several years. Finally, about two years ago, we felt the Lord leading us that the time was right. We found a kindred spirit in a regional publisher who wanted to publish the guidebook and the project began.
We at Joy El are happy to announce that the book, Invest Yourself: A Guidebook for Spiritual Mentoring, is now available! You may purchase a copy through most online booksellers, as well as through the camp store.
The goal is that the reader would be ready to start intentionally mentoring others in their faith after working through this resource.
“I have to say that guidebook is amazing,” said pastor and speaker Tyree Sterling. “The practical steps to get someone from point A to point Z are incredible! I’m a strategy guy so all of this is right up my alley!”
Please celebrate with us through attending one of the book launch events:
- Tuesday, June 28, 6:30-8:30 PM EST, at Joy El. Drop in anytime, but there will be a brief program at 7. The evening includes testimonies, door prizes, refreshments and more.
- Monday, July 11, 8 PM EST, online. The virtual event will also include testimonies, prizes, and a prayer time for the resource to expand and strengthen God’s Kingdom.
For either event, we request that you RSVP through [email protected] for planning purposes.
Please also join us in prayer that God will use this resource to make Himself known far and wide.