Lois Ann (Hunsberger) Glessner has been a fixture at camp since the beginning! She was among the first campers at Joy El in 1974. Her father, Henry, was part of the board and capital campaign for the first building, the Dining Hall. She has many, many years of memories to share! There are some memories that stand out more to her.
- “During a week of summer camp, the staff wanted to show us what it was like to live in a country where Christians had to meet in secret. As we were playing a game, I was stopped and given a little leather fish about 3 inches in length. I was told to go to the main building and find a certain door. I was to knock on the door 3 times. When the door opened I was to say the word “Marantha” and hand the person my fish. I was scared. I had never heard the word “Marantha” and I was afraid I would forget it. I repeated the word over and over in my mind. I found the door and followed the directions.
When the door opened, I repeated the word, “Maranatha”. I was ushered down a set of dimly lit steps into a room lit only by a candle. Others in the room were very quietly sitting on the floor in a big circle softly singing praise songs. Then someone shared scripture. I was an elementary camper and am now in my sixties but the impact is still real.”
- During senior high camp one summer we gathered at the swimming pool. Missionaries shared that God might be calling campers to commit themselves to a life of serving Jesus. It was a calm evening, no breeze. Campers who felt God’s call were to step forward and put a little wooden boat into the pool. The missionaries for the week were standing at the far side of the pool. As campers put their boats into the pool, the boats all stayed near the edge. One camper who felt she was being called to serve where the missionaries served put her board in the water. That boat made its way across the pool and stopped in front of the missionaries. (That boat was Lois Ann’s!)
- One summer we did a theme that involved building the Tabernacle. The Israelites worshiped God in the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle could be taken down and moved to a new location. We felt like the Israelites that summer. Every weekend a thunderstorm took the Tabernacle down and we had to put it back up every Sunday prior to a new week of camp. Campers enjoyed activities associated with the Tabernacle.
Lois Ann was recognized at the 50th Anniversary Celebration for being the employee with the most years of service ever at Joy El! She has so many great memories from her time here that she’s been encouraged, many times, to write a book about them! Perhaps one day, we’ll be seeing a book in the Camp Store authored by Lois Ann!