During one of the past weekends while one of the guest groups was up here using the facility for the weekend, I had the opportunity to meet a nice lady named (Beth). After spending a little bit of time with a group and talking to Beth it came to my attention that she had been here many years before I ever had. She had served as a Summer staff member working in the kitchen and being a counselor for nearly 5 years in between high school and college. She had shared about all the joyful times and learning experiences that Joy El had provided for her. This was the first time that she had been back to camp since her college years. The opportunity to see the camp and how much it had grown over the years with something that really, excited her. It was incredible to hear her story after hitting our 50th year of camping this past summer. Reflecting back on all of the years that Joy El has been here and has influenced the community. This was just another amazing story of how Camp has had such an amazing part to play in so many of our lives.