As a mom of past, present, and future 4.12 students there are many things that I love and appreciate about the program. The number one thing, however, is the mentoring
aspect of it. There are many people pouring Jesus into these kids’ lives, from their monthly meetings with their mentors, to members of the 4.12 team, to other staff and volunteers at Joy El. These men and women take the time to speak Truth, encourage, disciple and counsel the students in Biblical ways. I have seen my children greatly benefit from this. One such instant was this summer, as I witnessed my daughter’s growth in discernment. We were having a conversation about asking for help or advice from others. She made the comment to me that there are people in her life who love her and want what is best for her, but they are not followers of Jesus, so their advice, though it may sound good, falls short. She said that she appreciates that they care but understands that they are not pointing her back to Christ. And she wants to view all advice/counsel from the lens of Jesus. She wants to seek out people who will point her back to the Bible, to Jesus. I am reminded of Philippians 1:9-11 “And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” Discernment is a character trait that we all need. What a blessing the teens in the 4.12 program are learning this so early on! This will be such a huge benefit as they navigate life in a world that throws so much at them. The ability to discern the things of God verses the things that just happen to sound good will be crucial! I am so grateful for the Biblical lessons that my kids are learning and then are sharing with me!