By: Aaron Ziebarth
Executive Director
Since the first onsite building was constructed in 1974, God has proven Himself faithful, and He has used Joy El to provide opportunities for thousands of children, teens, and adults to experience life-change through personal encounters with Him.
Fifteen years ago, in 2005, we began long-range planning for the needs of the ministry. As the ministry expanded and furthered its reach, we sought direction for how to accommodate for the growth God is providing.
By faith, in 2008 we started the first elements of the needed expansion: the construction of the Worship Center, a desperately needed meeting space for 330 guests and campers, as well as the splash ground, to be enjoyed by campers and guests during the summer months.
Revisiting the plans we made fifteen years later still confirms the need for additional dining space, more space for year-round staff, and more housing for staff and guests throughout the year.
This vision, to Ignite Hope in Generations that seek Him, is coming to life with the completion of the welcome center, the first of three phases of this expansion effort. We are excited by how God will use this space to create a warm, welcoming environment for guests and a more effective space for staff to serve and lead.
We are committed to completing the campaign and constructing the facilities debt-free. As of May 15th, 60% of the anticipated funds for all three phases (three buildings) have been received from generous partners. We praise the Lord for His generous provision of the welcome center. God has used many charitable individuals, churches, and businesses that desire to see the vision of Godโs Kingdom expanding here on earth. We are continually looking ahead, actively watching as God provides the remaining 40% of funds through the generosity of His people.
Please contact Nate at 717-369-4539 or [email protected] to receive more information about the Igniting Hope in Generations that Seek Him campaign and how to partner with Joy El, or visit
Upcoming events and summer camp: