By Aaron Ziebarth, Executive Director
Gary Hornbaker, Our Director of Released Time recently shared this exciting story with me. May you be delighted as you see How God is working in Released Time . . .
“I like the word ‘delighted,’ because that is exactly what I am, as Dale (my husband) can testify too! … teaching in RT is a pure joy for me!” — Norma Bubb, Trimmer RT
These were the words Norma shared with me. Celebrate her story with me!
Two Trimmer Released Time students and their mother visited Norma’s home church (COD) two weeks ago where the girls attend RT because the girls said they enjoyed RT at COD and wanted to see what Sunday School would be like.
All three visited COD again this past Sunday. Norma greeted them at the Welcome Desk. The mother approached Norma with questions about baptism for herself and her girls. She also said that she would like to get into a small class where she could learn the “basics” about Jesus Christ. They do not have a home church.
Norma told me, “This is what RT is all about…..not only reaching children with the Good News of salvation, but also to introduce families without a home church to the same wonderful message. I don’t know the ‘spiritual story’ of the mother and the girls, but I would ask you to pray with me that they would take steps toward becoming members of God’s eternal family.”
I love to see students so excited that they influence others in pursuing Jesus. I see this happening through these two students. It is also a joy when I see volunteers like Norma who are so delighted to be used by the Lord to expand His family. Let’s join her in praying for this family and the families of students you minister to.
I close by saying, “thank you” for your part in exciting students about the Lord!