By Kim Sanger, Assistant Director of Bible Adventure and CIA
At the beginning of the school year Penny*, a fifth grade girl who had not attended Bible Adventure before, entered the room where we meet. She was invited by a friend and not completely sure what she was going to be doing there. She immediately began asking questions about the validity of the Bible, history of the stories, and wanted to know where the proof was that any of this was true. She believed herself to be a good person with a general knowledge of different religions. She was unsure as to why she needed any more knowledge on any one specific religion. She did not believe the Bible to be true and was not reluctant to share that opinion.
After a few weeks, Penny continued to ask questions, but her heart began to soften. She then attended the Bible Adventure Weekend, a children’s retreat at Joy El’s Christian camp, in December where she opened her heart to the Lord and began a relationship with Jesus.
More recently, she has just returned from her second Bible Adventure Weekend at Joy El Camps and Retreats. She continues to ask questions, however, she is now seeking the truth in the Bible for the answers to those questions. Each week now she leads her Bible Adventure group in prayer, asking for her peers’ prayer requests before she begins. She is earning awards for memorizing Scripture at Bible Adventure. And, she volunteered to lead prayer for the meal at the Bible Adventure Weekend with more than 300 people in the room.
Though she remains unsure of the decision she made, her leaders at Bible Adventure are trusting that she will continue to grow in her faith through the discipleship she receives at Bible Adventure.
*Child’s name has been changed.
Learn more about Bible Adventure and Joy El’s summer camp opportunities here.