By Anna Blazes, Camping Ministries Assistant
Many Christian camps in Pennsylvania and around the county were not able to open for summer camp this year. We were blessed here at Joy El that God made a way for us continue to do summer camp ministry.
As summer camp is now finishing up here at Joy El, I’m enjoying the last few days of having children here onsite. When you walk outside you can hear their laughter and shouts, see a camper and counselor engaged in a one on one conversation, or hear a cabin singing a praise and worship song as they walk along together. It is exciting and encouraging to see kids having fun and learning about the Lord in this way!
One day this summer, I got to have a sit down conversation with two elementary aged campers who had never been to Joy El before, Emily* and Amber.* I was blown away by what they shared with me as we discussed how their week had been. While we started out discussing their favorite camp activity and the new friends that they had made, each girl was the most excited to tell me what they had learned at chapel during the week, and each had a notebook with them that they had filled with notes and Bible verses from the sessions.
As they joyfully shared key points from the chapel messages, the daily wins, and verses, (from the assigned verses for the week and additional verses as well) I was reminded of why we exist here at Joy El. Life is hopeless with Jesus, and they need His hope in their lives.
God is working and moving in the lives of the campers that have come through this Christian camp this summer, and they have had many opportunities to learn about and be challenged to live as disciples of Christ. We are praying for them as they head out from the summer and back into their everyday lives. We would love for you to join us in praying for them as well!
*Names have been changed
Upcoming Joy El Retreats
Mother-Daughter Retreat, Oct. 9-11, 2020
Momentum Jr/Sr High Retreat, Nov. 6-8, 2020
Father-Son Retreat, Nov. 13-15, 2020
Momentum Sr High Retreat, Nov. 20-22, 2020