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Joy El Camps & Retreats
Group Retreats
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Joy El Retreats
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What You Need to Know
Bible Adventure Weekend
Bible Adventure Weekend for Leaders
Homeschool Retreat
Momentum Retreat
Momentum Leader
Father Daughter Retreat
Father Son Retreat
Mother Daughter Retreat
Mother Son Retreat
Financial Assistance
Retreat Photo Albums
Summer Camps
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What You Need to Know
Schedule & Costs
Financial Assistance
Day Camp
Day Camp Bus Schedule
Energizer Camp
Energizer in Lancaster County
Jumpstart Camp
Leadership Experience
Wilderness Camp
Summer Camp Photo Albums
Summer Staff
Email your camper!
Who We Are
About Us
Our History
Why Christian Camping?
Our Staff
Job Opportunities
Igniting Hope Campaign
Joy El Journal
Events Calendar
2025 Work Days
50 Years of Christian Camping
Igniting Hope Campaign
Ways to Donate
Bible Adventure/CIA
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Missionary Giving
Projects 2025
Psalm 24:6 Society
Summer Staff Scholarship Fund
Year End Appeal
Year End Giving
Who We Are
About Us
Our History
Why Christian Camping?
Our Staff
Job Opportunities
Joy El Jubilee
Work Days 2025
50 Years of Christian Camping
Ways to Donate
Bible Adventure/CIA
Camp Appeal
Donate Online
Donate to Campership
Igniting HOPE in generations
Projects 2025
Missionary Giving
Stewardship Banquets
Year End Giving
Ziebarth Summer Staff Scholarship Fund
Bible Adventure
Group Retreats
Start Here for Your Group Retreat
Activities for Group Retreats
Facilities for Retreats
Housing for Retreats
Joy El Retreats
Start Here
What You Need to Know
Bible Adventure Weekend
Homeschool Retreat
Momentum Retreat
Momentum Leader
Father Daughter Retreat
Father Son Retreat
Mother Daughter Retreat
Mother Son Retreat
Retreat Photos
Summer Camps
Summer Camps
What You Need to Know
Schedule & Costs
Financial Assistance
Day Camp
Day Camp Bus Schedule
Energizer Camp
Energizer in Lancaster County
Jumpstart Camp
Leadership Experience
Wilderness Camp
Summer Camp Photo Albums
Summer Staff
Email Your Camper
Joy El Summer Staff Application 2025
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Joy El Summer Staff Application…
Application for Position of:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
ZIP / Postal Code
Main Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
Parents (first and last names)
Current Employer and Address
T-shirt Size
Extra Large
Check one.
To your knowledge, is there any physical condition you will need special accommodations for at camp? If so, please give details.
Record of Education
Please provide your high school information including: name/address of school, year completed, if you graduated.
Please provide any college information including, names of colleges, course of study, year completed, if you graduated, and what degree was earned.
I am certified in the following:
First Aid
Please check all that apply.
Current Church Information
Please list the name of church, church address, and pastor name.
Please list any camp experience, including camp name, your role, and dates.
Additional information
Birthday (dd/mm/yyyy)
Do you have a valid driver's license?
Driver's license state and #
Have you attended Joy El as a camper?
Please indicate if you can serve the entire summer (May 31st-August 20th).
If you are only available parts of the summer, please write down which weeks:
Joy El will provide weekend housing to summer staff without the ability to return home on the weekends or to those who live in a different state. Staff will be provided host homes or camp lodging depending on the length of their service with Joy El.
If you need accommodations, what accommodations would be necessary?
Voluntary Disclosure
Full Name
Other names by which known (e.g., maiden name)
List your previous city/state residences for the last five years:
Have you ever been convicted of any crime relating in any manner to children and/or your conduct with them?
Have you ever been convicted of any crime including, but not limited to, those listed below and/or any crime similar in any manner to those listed below?
If yes, please explain below.
Indecent assault and battery on a child under fourteen
Indecent assault and battery on a mentally retarded person
Indecent assault and batter on a person who has obtained the age of fourteen
Rape of a child under sixteen with force
Assault with intent to commit rape
Kidnapping of a child under sixteen with intent to commit rape
Distribution and trafficking of narcotics or other controlled substances
Intent to commit any of the above crimes
If yes, please explain below.
Explanation of above question.
Have you ever been adjudged liable for civil penalties or damages involving sexual or physical abuse of children?
Have you ever been subject to any court order involving sexual or physical abuse of a minor, including, but not limited to, a domestic order of protection?
If yes, please explain below.
Explanation of above question.
Will you grant Joy El permission to request a background check to be made on your behalf?
If no, please explain below.
Explanation of above question.
NOTE: A prior conviction is not an automatic bar to employment. The type of conviction, and when it occurred, will be evaluated by a camp official before a decision is made. All staff should avoid situations where there is one adult and one or more children in a room or area that is not readily visible to other staff. If conditions necessitate a staff member working with children in an area where there is no other staff, doors should be kept open at all times.
The camp's policy is to prohibit all forms of harassment by our staff. This includes sexual, racial, religious, and other forms of harassment. Have you ever been accused of harassment of any person including, but not limited to, workplace harassment? (NOTE: A prior accusation or conviction is not an automatic bar to employment. The type of conviction or accusation an when it occurred will be evaluated by a camp official before a decision is made.)
If yes, please explain below.
Explanation of above question.
Position Desired
Check the position(s) where you are qualified and willing to serve:
Senior Counselor
Assistant Cook
Nurse/Health Care (cert. required)
Canteen/Camp Store Coord.
Maintenance Assistant
High Adventure Coordinator
Dining Staff Manager
Media Specialist
Office Assistant
Please read through the following lists of electives. Indicate the ones in which you have experience and/or would be willing to learn and lead.
Air Rifle
Survival Skills
Team Sports
Clothing Design
Knot Tying
Canvas Painting
Candle Making
Disc Golf
Duct Tape Art
Sling Shot
Please list any other skills/interests you have that may be helpful at camp:
Personal Motivations
Why would you like to be a part of the summer staff at Joy El?
List any activities or jobs where you have been involved with youth. Most recent first, please.
What physical and spiritual gifts do you have that you feel would benefit this ministry?
Write a brief spiritual biography telling of your salvation and dedication experience and the meaning that your Christian experience currently has in your life.
Write in 100 words or less your personal convictions concerning your general life-style. Include moral, social, spiritual practices and habits.
How would you lead a young person to Christ who has expressed a desire to be saved? Please give Scripture references you would use.
Joy El Camps and Retreats Statement of Faith
A. We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the eternal and verbally Inspired Word of God, without error. B. We believe the Lord Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin; as God, co-equal and co-existent with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. C. We believe all human beings are born with a sinful nature. Because of sin, each person deserves everlasting punishment. D. We believe Jesus Christ had no sin and did not sin. According to the Scriptures He was crucified, raised from the dead, and later returned to heaven. Through His blood the payment for our sins has been offered. E. We believe we become God's child by receiving Christ as our Savior by faith; this is a gift of God's love/grace. F. We believe that God, the Holy Spirit, is a Person who convinces sinners of guilt but who also, because of Christ's death, delights to bring sinners into right relationship with God at the moment of their belief. G. We believe in the visible, personal, and imminent return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for His Church. H. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the believer and the unbeliever, the everlasting bliss of God's children, and the everlasting punishment of those who reject God. For a complete Statement of Faith with scripture references, please visit
Are you in full agreement with the Joy El Statement of Faith?
If not, please state the part or parts with which you do not agree with and why in the space provided below.
Explanation of the above disagreements.
Please list three adults who have known you for three or more years and distribute a reference form, which should be returned directly to Joy El. Forms should be returned within one week of their issuance. Do NOT include relatives or Joy El staff.
Please provide 3 references. Include full name and position, address, phone number and email.
I give Joy El permission to contact my references. I understand that by checking this box I am waiving the right to see responses from those references.
I agree
Do you know any full-time Joy El staff? If so, which ones?
Applicant Confirmations
The information I have given above is true and accurate. I authorize investigation of all statements herein, including any check of criminal records, and release the camp and all others from liability in connect with same. I understand that, if employed, I will be an at-will employee unless there is an agreement or law which alters that status. Furthermore, I understand that an agreement must be in writing and signed by the designated camp official. I also understand that untrue, misleading, or omitted information herein or in other documents completed by the applicant may result in dismissal, regardless of the time of discovery by the camp. I understand that in applying for a camp position the information which I have furnished on this application form is subject to verification, which may include a criminal history check and request from any central registry of child abusers. I understand that the camp may terminate employment or volunteer service of any person found to have a history of complaints of abuse of a minor or found to have resigned, been terminated or been asked to resign from a position whether paid or unpaid due to complaint(s) of sexual abuse of a minor. All statements will become part of any future personnel file. Checking the final box serves in lieu of your handwritten signature.
My check in this box serves in lieu of my handwritten signature.
I am officially signing this document
MM slash DD slash YYYY
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