One can never know what God’s plans are and how He will move through His people who are willing to be obedient. *Emily (name changed) * and her husband served in leadership roles at Bible Adventure for several years. After stepping away, she was willing to serve as a substitute listener if needed. She was asked to fill in and soon found that she was in the right place at the right time. She shared this moving story with me of the day she met *Carson, (name changed).
The first time she met him she sensed God was really working on his heart. He had recently transferred from another elementary school, and this was his first day. As she was getting to know him, she learned that he used to live with his grandmother until she became too sick to care for him. He explained that he now lives with his mom. He told her that his mom believes in God but not in Jesus. He also told her that his mom would tell him that she didn’t really want him. With her heart breaking for him, she began praying for him and asked her church to pray for him too. She spoke to his listener *Gary, (name changed) who had the partnering church praying for him. They were all praying that he would begin to understand God’s love for him.
Emily had another opportunity to serve as a substitute listener and had Gary’s students, including *Carson, in her listening group. The Scripture with the lesson that day was John 3:16. The teacher explained the reason for Jesus’s death on the cross and what it meant for those who put their faith and trust in Him. Emily asked Gary’s students if they’ve ever accepted Jesus as their Savior and began a relationship with Him? The one student said yes, and Carson said no. She asked if he would like to, and he said yes!
She knew he was ready. She said, “He asked very good questions and was really listening and giving her his undivided attention.” Carson understood and responded to the love of God that day. They prayed together and she believes that it was genuine. Emily said, “I never imagined to be able to pray with a student as a substitute listener, not being there every week to develop that relationship with the student.” This experience was evidence to her that God is working. What a privilege to see this precious new life in Christ.” She made sure that he had a Bible of his own, and she and the Bible Adventure team still pray for him.