By Aaron E. Ziebarth, Executive Director
When is the last time you thought “This is impossible! There is no way I can do this!”?
We face this often in life. Jesus observed it when talking with the rich man: “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.’” (Mark 10:27)
I continue to be amazed with the impossibilities we see happening in Released Time . . . followed by the amazing stories of God at work!
A FranklinCountyRT program is thriving with growth. Eleven new children joined in just one week! The fifth and sixth graders have a self-created completion (goal) going on to see if they can get all of their classmates to join RT and empty the classroom so the teacher has some free time. Awesome!
A Fulton County Released Time has completely maxed out transportation space in their vans. Two new children just joined bringing their numbers to 39. CrossviewMissionalChurch, which allows their van to be used for South Huntingdon CIA, has offered their van for the elementary program. It will be needed because Invite-A-Friend Day is Friday and more children are expected. Even more amazing—the school moved their Valentine’s Day party so as not to interfere with RT. God is at work!!
How have you seen God grow your Released Time? How is God preparing you and your students to double (or triple)? Please email your comments to me at [email protected] .