By: Jordan Wheeler
4.12 Coordinator
Recent studies by the Barna group (and others) have shown that upwards of 6/10 high school graduates that are actively involved in their church during their high school years will disconnect after they leave the home. This staggering statistic led us to develop times of equipping for the upcoming graduates of the 4.12 Leadership Training Program. For more research for why students stay, read it here.
I had the opportunity to help lead one of these trainings, Upper Level Assembly. During this particular time together, we discussed the value of staying connected to the church after graduating high school. One of the things we looked at was 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 and talked through what Paul said about being a part of the body of Christ.
The students were actively engaged and at the end there was a time for them to ask questions. The students were ready with great questions. One student asked, “How do I know if the church I am going to is a good church?” We took a look at the importance of knowing Scripture, taking and applying what you have learned in this program, and to actively ask good questions. Another student asked, “Should I look for a church that has small groups or young adult’s ministries?” It was clear that these students are hungry for continuing authentic Christian community (Hebrews 10:24-25). We definitely encouraged them to join one!
I was very encouraged to see these students think critically and biblically about the value of staying connected to the body of Christ after they graduate high school. Not only do they desire to just attend a church but be active members in different ways. I believe that what Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 12:12 was understood that night, “For just as the body is one and has many members and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”
Upcoming events and summer camp
- Mother Son Retreat (March 12-14)
- Joy El Work Days
- Father Daughter Retreat (April 9-11)
- Summer Day Camps
- Summer Wilderness Camps
- Summer Overnight Camps