Financial Giving

Joy El, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, is a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. (Click here to learn more about ECFA), a financial accreditation agency, with over 1,100 members that has strict guidelines for membership, including an annual independent audit which is available upon request. All gifts are tax deductible and receipts are issued for all gifts within one week.

Gifts to Joy El may be made in the following ways:

  1. ONLINE – Simply click HERE for monetary giving.
  2. PHONE – (CREDIT CARDS) — Call us and provide your credit card information over the phone and your gift will be applied to your credit card today! We accept VISA and Mastercard. We can also set up an automated monthly charge to the credit card of your choice.
  3. MAIL – (CHECKS) — Gifts given by check should be made out to “Joy El” and mailed to Joy El, 3741 Joy-El Drive, Greencastle, PA 17225. If you wish to designate your funds for a specific purpose, such as to support a specific missionary or finance a capitol project, write this on an enclosed note.
  4. ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER — Include Joy El each month automatically by having your regular monthly donation electronically transferred from a savings or checking account. Click HERE to download an EFT application or call our office (717-369-4539 ) and request an EFT form to be sent to you by mail or email.
  5. STOCKS AND OTHER SECURITIES — You can take advantage of current tax laws by gifting your highly appreciated stock to Joy El. You will be able to write-off the market value of the securities while Joy El can sell or retain the shares without a tax consequence. Call our office for more details.
  6. GIFT ANNUITIES AND WILLS — Interested in the future of Joy El? Leave a legacy with a charitable gift annuity! This option provides interested parties with a flexible option including Joy El Ministries in their retirement and estate planning. Contact David for more details at (717)369-4539  or
  7. MATCHING GRANTS — Double your gift! Many employers will contribute to 501(c)(3) organizations that their employees support. Check with the Human Resources department of your employer to see if they will match your gift.

Thanks very much for your support.

Contact us about your donation: Joy El, 3741 Joy-El Drive, Greencastle, PA 17225
phone: (717) 369-4539  email:

Sponsoring Events

Joy El would like to invite you to sponsor any of our events. We provide four direct opportunities for sponsorship each year.

During the last Saturday in April, we hold the Joy El Jubilee, an all day community event that showcases the programs in our ministry. Throughout the day, numerous activities take place all over the Joy El campground. Volunteers and staff members provide events such as face painting, chicken dinners, camp activities, haywagon rides, and much more. We use this time to encourage the surrounding communities to get to know us as well as prospective campers, Bible Adventure students and their families. The day averages over 1100 visitors. We need several corporate sponsors to help us provide this day.

In November, we hold “Stewardship Banquets.” The banquets are held at locations in Lancaster and York and at Joy El. The evenings are filled with music, testimonies from program participants and great food. Our sponsors are very valuable in underwriting the costs of these banquets. We are seeking approximately 65 table sponsors as well as 3 to 4 premier and premium sponsors.

Many businesses consider these events excellent opportunities to advertise their company while supporting a worthwhile cause. If you are interested in sponsoring any of these events, please contact David at 717-369-4539  or email