April 11-13, 2025. Check-in begins at 7:00 PM Friday. The retreat goes through 12 Noon Sunday but you’re invited to stay and play up through 2 PM.
Who’s Invited?
Fathers and daughters in grades 1 to 12.
$190.00 for each father-daughter pair. Cost is $91.00 for each additional child. A minimum nonrefundable deposit of $50 will hold your reservation. Register by March 22 to pay the discount price of $180.00 per pair and $86.00 for additional child.
Fathers and daughters will stay in separate cabins. In the cabins, daughters will be supervised by Joy El staff/counselors. Campers staying in the lodge pay an additional $59.00 for lodge space. Lodges are reserved on a first-come basis.
What to Bring
Your Bible, notebook, pen or pencil, pillow, sleeping bag, enough clean clothes for the weekend, bathroom necessities and money for the camp store/canteen and friends to share the weekend with.
What to Leave Behind
Cell phones and other electronic devices
“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”
Psalms 34:8
Larry Redmond ministers to students at the University of Delaware in Newark, where he also serves as Lead Pastor at Life Community Church. Redmond has spoken at numerous churches, conferences, youth revivals, including Joy El, and has been on the advisory board for the Coatesville Salvation Army. He brings a passion for teaching souls for Christ and for building God’s Kingdom.
“This weekend I discovered how important it is to be the influencer of my daughter through the word of God.”
— Rob, a dad retreat camper
Questions? Call us at 717-369-4539 or email info@joyel.org.
Ready to register?
We make it simple! You may register online or call 717-369-4539 to register by phone.
Registration confirmations are emailed 2 weeks prior to each event.
If you do not register prior to that time, no confirmation will be sent.
Registration fees are nonrefundable within 14 days of any event. If a cancellation is necessary in the last 14 days due to illness or accident, a written request to transfer fees to another camp event must be submitted within one week of the conclusion of the original event. A note from a physician must be included. Certain restrictions apply and a transfer fee may be charged.
Call our office at 717-369-4539 or email info@joyel.org for additional information.
Join us for other great Joy El retreats!
Home School Retreat – for students in grades 1 to 8
Momentum Retreats – for students in grades 6 to 12
Bible Adventure Weekends – for students in grades 2 to 6