2025 Registration/Important Information

Registration Information

We want to make the registration process as easy as possible, so we’ve provided several options for you.

  1. The simplest way is to register online right over our website. Simply click the red “Register Now” button at the bottom of this and many of our other summer camp web pages. To use online registration, you will need to place your deposit on your credit card.
  2. If you prefer to make your deposit with a personal check, you can also download a Summer Camp Registration Form here: REGISTRATION FORM. Or we can email you a form if you contact us at [email protected]. Please return your printed, completed paper form by mail or fax to:
    • Joy El Camps & Retreats
      3741 Joy-El Drive
      Greencastle, PA 17225
  3. You can also register over the phone with a member of our staff with a credit card by calling us at 717-369-4539.

Registrations are taken on a first-come basis, so register early. An email containing additional information for check-in at camp will be sent to you four weeks prior to your child’s camp week. To receive this email confirmation, you will need to provide us with a valid email address. (Note: if you have “opted out” of our email database, you may not receive your camp confirmation!) Your emailed confirmation, an Express registration form, and additional details will be sent to you four weeks prior your child’s week at camp. Returning the Express form by two weeks prior will expedite your on-site check-in.

Payment in full is due two weeks prior to the start of your camp week.

A $75 deposit is required upon registration to hold your spot. The deposit is deducted from your balance due. The deposit is non-refundable and transferable only to another session in the same summer for the same individual. A transfer fee will be applied. All fees are non-refundable within 14 days of the start of the registered session. Only refund requests due to medical reasons, and only with a doctor’s excuse, will be considered within 14 days of your camp week.

Pricing/Discounts/Financial Aid

Overnight Youth Camp Discounts and Incentives

  • $30 discount and FREE summer theme t-shirt when registered and paid in full by January 31st; or
  • FREE summer theme t-shirt when registered with $75 non-refundable discount by March 31st

Day Camp Discounts and Incentives

  • $10 discount and FREE summer theme t-shirt when registered and paid in full by January 31st; or
  • FREE summer theme t-shirt if registered and paid in full by March 31st

Bible Adventure Discounts

  • Discounts earned by Bible Adventure students will be applied as earned. Call Joy El or your school coordinator for total discount earned.
  • Bible Adventure students earning free camp still need to put down a $75 deposit to hold their spot. Your deposit will be refunded after the child has attended camp.


Multi-Child (Sibling) Discount

A multi-child discount is available when there is a financial need. Notify us if you are sending multiple children to camp and have a financial need. We will award a $25.00 grant for each additional child after the first child while funds are available.


Multiple Week Discounts

You will receive a multiple week discount when the same child attends multiple weeks of camp.

  • $30 off for each additional week of overnight camp
  • $15 off for each additional week of Day Camp


Earn Gift Certificates

Invite your friends who have never been to Joy El before and earn gift certificates!

  • Overnight campers earn $25 gift certificates for each new friend who comes. You can earn up to $75 in gift certificates.
  • Day campers earn $10 gift certificates for each new friend who comes. You can earn up to $30 in gift certificates.
  • Free camp will be awarded for any camper who brings four new friends. (Your camp fees will be refunded in full after all four friends have attended their week of camp.)
  • Friends must list your camper’s name in the “I was invited” box on their registration form. They do not need to attend the same week as your camper.


Financial Assistance

Campership Funds

We do not want financial concerns to hinder any child from attending camp this summer. Campership funds are available where there is a need. These funds are granted on a first-come, first-served, qualified basis. Apply for Campership Funds HERE online or download a financial aid form here: Campership Application. To your email your form, contact us at [email protected] or phone in your request call us at 717-369-4539 .

It is best to register early in the year if you plan to use Campership Funds. Funds may be limited in availability if you register later in the summer. Contact us for more information.

Cancellation/Transfer Policies

Prior to 14 days of the camp week

Cancellations: With a written request, a person may cancel a registration and receive a refund minus the deposit fee.

Transfers: With a written request, a person may transfer registration funds to another Joy El camp week.

  • A $10.00 transfer fee will apply.
  • The new camp week must be within the same camping season (same summer)
  • The camper may not already be registered for the new week chosen.
  • Fees are not transferable to another camper.


Within 14 days of the camp week

Cancellations: All registration fees are nonrefundable within 14 days of any camp week; therefore a transfer of funds may be encouraged.

Transfers: If a cancellation is necessary within 14 days of your camp week, due to illness or accident, a written request to transfer fees, less the deposit fee, must be submitted within one week of the conclusion of the original camp week.

  • A note from a physician must be included
  • A $10.00 transfer fee will be charged.
  • The new camp week must be within the same camping season (same summer).
  • The camper may not already be registered for the new week chosen.
  • Fees are not transferable to another camper.
  • Cancellation without a physician’s note will result in billing for the full unpaid balance.

Day Camp Bus Schedule

Day Camp bus transportation should be reserved by filling in the appropriate space on the registration form. Please indicate which weeks your child will be using bus transportation and which bus location your child will be traveling to and from.

The following are the Bus Stops for each week of camp except where special weeks are noted.

Pick up times and return times apply to Monday through Thursday.  Busses will depart camp on Fridays at 4:00 PM – a half hour earlier than the rest of the week. Please plan to pick up your child from the bus stop on Fridays a half hour earlier.

Municipality Bus Stop Location Pick up Time Return Time
Chambersburg Save-A-Lot parking lot 8:15 AM 4:55 PM
(Fri. 4:25 PM)
Greencastle Martin’s Food parking lot 8:20 AM 4:45 PM
(Fri. 4:15 PM)
Hagerstown (west) PetSmart parking lot 8:05 AM 5:00 PM
(Fri. 4:30 PM)
Hagerstown (east) Hampton Inn (Dual Hwy) 7:45 AM 5:20 PM
(Fri. 4:50 PM)
(week 5 only)
Elementary School parking lot 8:00 AM 5:10 PM
(Fri. 4:40 PM)
(week 5 only)
Food Lion parking lot 8:20 AM 4:45 PM
(Fri. 4:15 PM)
Shippensburg Grand Point Church near Rite Aid 7:55 AM 5:15 PM
(Fri. 4:45 PM)
Waynesboro Turkey Hill 7:55 AM 5:10 PM
(FRI. 4:40  PM)


Parent Pick Up and Drop Off

Parents may also transport day campers to and from Joy El Camps & Retreats personally. Campers should arrive at 8:45 AM and be picked up at 4:30 PM (except on Friday, pick-up time is 4:00 PM).

Late pick up and drop off policy: Please be on time to pick up your child. The bus will wait 5 minutes after all other campers have been picked up by parents and then any children whose parents have not arrived will remain on the bus as it travels to other bus stops. Unclaimed children will end up back at camp where parents can pick them up at the camp office.

To register, click the red “Register Now” button at the bottom of this page.

Summer Camp Forms

Here’s a list of handy-dandy links that will provide you with all the forms related to summer camp.

For ONLINE REGISTRATION, click the red “Register Now” button at the bottom of this page.

Note: Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8 is not supported by our online registration program. We encourage you to use a different internet browser or call us at 717-369-4539  to register.

Parent Consent – Release Statement for Campers

Express Registration Letter for Parents

Online Health Form

Printable Health Form

Online Financial Aid (Campership) Application

Printable Financial Aid (Campership) Application

What to Pack for Camp

Are you wondering what your child will need for a week of day camp or overnight camp? Not sure what items should stay at home? Please follow the guidelines below when packing your child’s things for camp. If you have questions about anything not addressed here, please feel free to contact us at 717-369-4539  or email us at [email protected].


What to leave at home:

It is our desire that each camper would spend time connecting with God and the other campers without distractions–this is part of what makes camping a unique experience, the setting apart from the normal everyday schedules and technologies of life. Because of this, we ask that all electronic devices (iPods, cell phones, video games, etc.) be left at home. We assure you that your child will be kept active throughout the week and will not miss these items. You may send letters to your camper by mail or email. (To email your camper, visit http://www.bunk1.com to set up your parent email account. You will need the Joy El invitation code to set up your account.) Campers may respond to you through mail. Phone calls from you to your child (unless it is an emergency) are not permitted as it does take away from the camping experience and tends to cause or increase homesickness. Please be assured if there is a situation you need to be made aware of, one of our staff members will contact you. We are looking forward to having your child enjoy a week free from all outside distractions as they connect with God.

To PRINT the information below, click  here for a PDF version: What to Pack


What to bring for Day Camps:

All Campers: Please label all luggage and belongings

  • Clothing: A change of clothing suitable for a day at camp, modest swimsuit that covers midriff, sweatshirt or jacket, close-toed shoes with backs, extra pair of shoes. We do have water games some days, so extra dry clothes are recommended.
  • Personal items: Towel, insect repellent, sunscreen, camera, etc.
  • Study items: Bible, notebook, pen or pencil.
  • Spending money: All campers will deposit their money in the camp bank when they register. Camp staff will keep a running total of their balance. Money left over at the end of the week will be refunded to your child on the last day of camp.

What to bring for Overnight Camps:

All Campers: Please label all luggage and belongings

  • Clothing: Casual camp clothes, clothes for Friday night banquet, modest swimsuit that covers midriff, sweatshirt or jacket, close-toed shoes with backs, extra pair of shoes
  • Bedding: Pillow and sleeping bag or sheets and blankets
  • Personal items: Towels, washcloth, soap, shampoo, toothbrush & toothpaste, flashlight, insect repellent, sun screen, camera, etc.
  • Study items: Bible, notebook and a pen or pencil
  • Spending money: All campers (with the exception of Leadership Experience campers) will deposit their money in the camp bank either when they register or when they check in for their session. Camp staff will keep a running total of their balance. Money left over at the end of the week will be refunded to your child on the last day of camp.


What to bring for Wilderness Camps and Traverse Wilderness Camps

All Campers: Please label all luggage and belongings

  • Clothing: Casual camp clothes that can get dirty, modest swimsuit that covers midriff, sweatshirt or jacket, close-toed shoes with backs, extra pair of shoes
  • Bedding: pillow, sleeping bag or sheets and blankets
  • Personal items: Towel, sleeping bag or blankets, toiletries, insect repellent, sunscreen, camera, etc.
  • Study items: Bible, notebook and a pen or pencil
  • Spending money: All campers (with the exception of Leadership Experience campers) will deposit their money in the camp bank either when they register or when they check in for their session. Camp staff will keep a running total of their balance. Money left over at the end of the week will be refunded to your child on the last day of camp.
  • In addition to the list above, Adventure Campers should also bring the following: a school backpack to carry shower supplies, one or two plastic grocery bags, one or two pairs of old sneakers, one or two sets of clothes that can get dirty

To register, click the red “Register Now” button at the bottom of this page.

Activities & Electives


Bouldering Wall
Box Cave Adventures Pool Water Slide Peg Wall Climb
Cargo Net Climb Spikeball Frisbee Golf
Go-Karts Archery Waterslide
Swimming Pool/Aqua Climb Splashground Corcls
Canoeing Flying Squirrel Giant Swing
Climbing Wall Group Games Mini Golf
Playground Team Sports Human Foosball


Campers will receive elective information after checking in for their camp week. They will select their electives at that time.

Additional Information

What Parents Are Saying About Joy El

“Good, wholesome, Christ-centered activity that gets my daughter outside and face to face with friends”


“My daughter had a new excitement for reading her Bible with me! I am so excited to make Camp Joy El part of our summer plans again next year!”


“I feel Camp Joy El promotes and helps deepen their personal relationship with Jesus and also helps them learn social skills in new situations. It also provides a fun and active environment.”


“My child has always has a fantastic time and begs to return yearly”


“The counselors that work with students are AMAZING.”


“This was a great experience for our son. He has never been to camp and to say he was nervous was an understatement. When my husband picked him up at the bus stop though he immediately told him he had SO much fun! Every day he came home chomping at the bit to go back and has been talking about how much fun he had ever since.”

Summer 2025 Verses

Summer 2025 Theme Verses:



John 20:31 – “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the messiah, the son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”


John 3:19 – “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.”


John 10:11 – “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”


John 14:12 – “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”


John 14:27 – “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”


John 20:21 – “Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.'”

FAQs About Summer Camp

Are lunches served for Day Campers?

Day Campers in the programs at Joy El are provided lunch each day during their camp week. The cost for lunch is included in your camp registration fee.

Campers attending Community Day Camps must bring their own lunches with them each day.

What is the difference between a Day Camp experience and an overnight experience?

Because overnight campers live on the campground 24/7 for six days, they experience a deeper impact from living within a genuine Christian community where God’s principles are taught and lived out each day. Overnight campers participate in a greater variety of activities. Some overnight campers are also able to choose “electives” which are additional small group activities that allow campers to meet others who are part of different cabin groups. (Leadership Experience and Adventure Camps do not select electives.)

Day Campers participate in plenty of fun camp activities along with chapel time, small group devotions time, and scripture memory time.  Day campers do not experience as many activities as overnight campers

Day Camp is available to students completing kindergarten through 5th grade while overnight camp begins at 1st grade (Energizer 1) and goes through high school.

Day Camp is a great option for children who don’t feel quite ready to spend the night (but realize that oftentimes they’re more ready than they think they are).

Day Camp is a more affordable option. Many parents choose to use Day Camp as an alternative to daycare. For tax purposes, a letter of expenses paid for camp can be obtained from our business office upon request.

Day Camp can be convenient for children with evening commitments.

Day Camp is an introduction to a camp experience. We find that many children are ready to come to overnight after only a couple days at Day Camp. The environment increases their comfort level and familiarity with Joy El.

Can dietary needs be accommodated?

Yes. Please include a note about your child’s dietary needs with his/her registration form. Special dietary requests may be accommodated, however a additional cost will be added ($25.00 for Day Camp and $50.00 for Overnight).

What kinds of meals are served for summer campers?

We serve kid-friendly meals during summer camp. Examples of typical lunches include: chicken nuggets and french fries, pasta, sub sandwiches, hamburgers, and hot dogs. A salad is available at each meal.

Which campers receive a free t-shirt?

Overnight campers who register with at least a deposit by March 31st and Day Campers who register and pay in full by March 31st receive a free summer theme t-shirt. Other campers may purchase the theme t-shirt from the campstore while supplies last.

What is Wilderness Camp?

Wilderness Camps are a more rustic camp experience. These campers live in our Wilderness Village where they are separated from the main body of campers to do their own style of camp. Campers stay in platform tents (large enough to accomodate bunk beds) in the woods. The tents offer campers a real taste of nature and some old fashioned “roughing it.” Wilderness campers experience High Ropes activities, such as the Giant Swing or Flying Squirrel, Climbing Wall, the Zipline,  backpacking overnight hike, and a tubing or canoeing trip on Back Creek.

Our teaching, Bible study times and worship for Wilderness campers take place outdoors in God’s natural setting. Because the numbers of campers in Wilderness Village are smaller and the setting more secuded, campers develop deeper relationships with counselors and other campers faster than the regular overnight camps. Since Wilderness Camps are small and more secluded, we do not take daily photos of campers in the Wilderness Camps. Photos are taken by counselors throughout the week and posted online twice through the week (Wednesdays and Fridays). No weekly closing program is offered and no video will be available.

What are the electives and what campers get to choose them?

Electives are additional activities available in the evenings for Energizer and Jumpstart campers only. They are not available to Day Campers, Wilderness campers or Leadership Experience campers. Campers will be provided a list of available electives after they check in for their week of camp. They will select their electives at that time.

Can my child stay with a friend in the same cabin or Day Camp group?

A cabinmate request space can be found on your registration form and the name of one friend can be submitted.  This same space is used for a Day Camp group friend request.  Girls can request to be with another girl and boys can request to be with another boy. Opposite genders cannot be kept together.  We will do our best to accommodate cabinmate and group mate requests.

What is the Day Camp bus schedule?

Day Camp bus schedules can be found above.  There is no additional cost for your child to ride a Day Camp bus.  Bus transportation is not available for overnight campers.

What is my child’s Bible Adventure discount for camp?

Bible Adventure discounts are earned over the school year prior to camp. Final discounts earned for the school year will be tabulated by the end of April. Please contact our office to find out the unused discount amount your child has available from earned Bible Adventure Program points.

What about 4.12 student discounts?

Discounts for 4.12 students will be entered and applied before camp begins in June as well. The maximum available discount is $80 for students who have turned in all of their Spiritual Growth Updates on time from September through April.

What is the gift certificate I heard about for the campstore?

For overnight campers, there is a $20 campstore gift certificate available for bringing a friend who has NEVER been to summer camp at Joy El before. (Members of the same household do not qualify as a “friend.”) Four friends = FREE week of camp. For Day Campers, there is a $10 campstore coupon for bringing a friend who has NEVER been to summer camp at Joy El before. Any camper who brings four new friends qualifies for a Free Week of Camp.

What should my child pack for camp?

A list of items your child should pack for Day Camp or overnight camp is available on the tab above on this page.

Is Financial Aid available?

Yes, Financial Aid is available. The regular camp registration needs filled out, a campership application form needs to be completed and a parent contribution needs to be received. The parent contribution is $100 for overnight camps and $50 for day camps. Any amount less than these need to be approved by the Director of Camping Ministries. You can find the financial aid (campership) application under the Summer Camp Forms tab shown above.

Who will administer my child’s medications? Is there a camp nurse?

Yes. There is a nurse onsite for every week of camp and he or she is responsible to dispense your child’s medications. Please keep all medications in the original bottles from the drug store when sending them along with your child to camp. All other health issues should be communicated to us on the Camper Health Form, which you can find under the Summer Camp Forms tab above.

When will I receive confirmation of my registration?

Confirmations are sent by email after your registration is entered into our database and your deposit is received. More information is sent to you four weeks prior to your child’s week of camp, including information about check-in times, bus schedules, what to pack, camper mail or email, etc. Confirmations are not sent by snail mail. If you have opted off of our emailing list and want back on in order to receive your camp confirmations, please contact our office for instructions on how to opt back into the list.

How do you select your counselors? Do they have background checks?

We look for qualified, college-age people who have a love for the Lord and children. We perform interviews, require reference checks and background checks with the safety of our campers foremost. Staff members attend a week of onsite training in preparation for what to expect at camp and how to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our campers.

Can I communicate with my child during his/her camp week?

Parents, family and friends may communicate with their camper by email messages during their camp week. Simply e-mail [email protected] and include your camper’s name, program, and cabin number in the subject line of your letter. Email messages are downloaded and distributed to campers once a day. Campers are not able to email you back.

You may also send regular first class mail to your child while he/she is at camp. Campers love getting mail! Mail is distributed once a day to each cabin group, Wilderness camp group, or Day Camp group.

We ask that parents and family members do not phone or come to the campground to visit during their camper’s camp session. These types of contacts can be a distraction to your child and could cause homesickness.

What if my child has an appointment scheduled with the doctor or dentist during the camp week?

We ask that you would communicate doctor and dentist appointments to us in advance of your child coming to camp. Arrangements will be made for your child to be released to you for the trip to the doctor/dentist and the child can be checked back into camp following the appointment.

What if I don't know my Campwise login info?

If you already have an online account, go to the Campwise login page and click on the “Forgot username?” or “Forgot password?” links at the bottom. If you need both your username and password, click on “Forgot username?” to recover your username first and then click on “Forgot password?” to reset your password.

If you typically call the office for an established camper account (instead of using the online registration), you may not have a username set up.  Call our office at 717-369-4539 to set up the username and online registration information.

For a new camper, you can create an account with Campwise and set up your own username and password.

Ready to make your child's summer the best it's ever been?