Some things seem bigger than life. Others are so close to reality that they are hard to discern.
Our children are being deceived by many false ideas.
I was excited when last week I visited two different Released Time classes in one day. The teacher was a 20-year Released Time veteran. She taught the same lesson at both Released Time classes from 1 Kings 18. I’m sure you’re familiar with the story: Elijah is at Mount Carmel facing down 450 prophets of Baal.
The Israelites had been wavering between two opinions. Was Baal the true God? Or, was the Lord the true God? Many of them had been following Baal, believing that he had some supernatural power. They were deceived.
There are many deceptions that our children are being taught, with evolution being one of many examples.
I’m so thankful that in Released Time classes we can teach God’s Word very clearly. The day I visited Released Time the point of the lesson came through loud and clear. The children repeated “The Lord, He is God!”
My prayer is that more and more children are able to attend Released Time. In addition to the 3,300 in our program, there are 27,000 in the schools where we currently minister who are not attending. We want them to hear the truth that the Lord is God.
Why? Because God’s Word helps them to discern between what is false and what is true. Will you please pray that more children are able to attend? Please pray that more volunteers will help serve. And please pray that lives will continue to be changed with the Gospel!
Interested in praying or serving? Please contact me at [email protected]!
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