Life-Changing Prayers
Today there is a lot of talk in the news about public schools and the challenges in the relationships between the school administration and the community. Recently, I was able to hear of a great example of God literally transforming this relationship in one of the Joy El Bible Adventures (BA).
Today there is a lot of talk in the news about public schools and the challenges in the relationships between the school administration and the community. Recently, I was able to hear of a great example of God literally transforming this relationship in one of the Joy El Bible Adventures (BA).
When the coordinator began volunteering with the Joy El Bible Adventure program, the relationship with the administration was “cold”. Interactions were very limited or closed off.
The BA team and students began to pray for their school administration regularly. At the beginning of this year, at the school’s open house, the tone was not only welcoming, but a direct phone number was shared. The coordinator was permitted interaction with teachers and was even thanked for all that the Bible Adventure program does for the students. What a change!
This Bible Adventure program has grown from 8 students last year to 18 to date this year! All of the students and team know that there has been significant life change in the school administration since they began praying for them.
What amazing opportunity we have! God is changing schools, students and school administrators one at a time through prayers, love and commitment to the gospel. Thank God for Joy El’s commitment to prayer as “a means for God’s power to change us and work through us.”
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