Rachel Shively

Director of the 4.12 Leadership Training Program

Rachel Shively grew up attending Joy El and served in the 4.12 Leadership Training Program where she developed a passion for youth ministry and discipleship. The Lord then led her to serve part time in college with the 4.12 LTP while she completed a B.A. in psychology with a concentration in counseling. She now serves as the Director of the 4.12 Program and continues to pursue this passion of discipleship. She enjoys discovering new books & music as well as spending quality time with friends. Rachel cites Romans 8:39 as one of the most impactful verses to her: “Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Rachel is a missionary with Joy El. To help provide support, CLICK HERE to support her!