Vanessa Brubaker

Bible Adventure/CIA Equipping Coordinator

Vanessa’s journey with Joy El began in the early 90’s when she attended Released Time in 4th grade at her  elementary school in Lancaster, PA. After getting married and moving to the Southern Lancaster area, she helped at Released Time for one year filling in for a volunteer. Her mother-in-law helped start the program in Clermont Elementary school over 20 years ago. In 2015, Vanessa stepped into the school coordinator position at that program, answering many prayers. She has been the school coordinator for the Bible Adventure program at Clermont Elementary for the last 9 years and helps as a listener at the Bart Elementary Bible Adventure as well for the last 3 years. She is now stepping into the Equipping Coordinator role to give oversight and encouragement to the 5 programs in the Southern Lancaster Region.


Vanessa has been married to Duane for 16 years and they have 5 boys who they raise on a farm in Southern Lancaster. She manages a pullet operation and homeschools the 5 boys as well. She enjoys working in the garden, flower beds, preserving foods and baking yummy treats. She is also part of the local Solanco Youth Baseball board of Directors. She can often be found at a baseball field in the spring or football field in the fall. She has also been an active member of the worship team at her church for the last 14 years.


Psalm 119:105 says “Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” The Bible is full of so many promises and wise words to provide direction and discernment for all of the situations we find ourselves in every day.

Vanessa is a missionary with Joy El. To help provide for her support CLICK HERE